Can we pretend like it's just you and me?
I wanna act like I can feel something
And you don't have to give it back to me
'Cause I can't promise much of anything


RP Preferences

ㅤromance I adore romance rp, but its something I tend to only do when it makes sense and after getting to know someone

ㅤactionㅤ Always! Not a huge fan of grindstone rolls for pvp, but pve is always fun

ㅤadventureㅤ Let's go on an adventure!

long-term Ideal, but doesn't always work out and that's okay.

ㅤdiscord Works pretty well given people's schedule, typically, but I'm easy

ㅤlore-breakingㅤ Try not to outright break it, but I'm happy having fun in the space. Tari certainly bends a lot.

ㅤPre-established Relationshipsㅤ I'm all for it. One of my least favorite rp things I have to do is like... Meeting rp, so I actually prefer this, but I'm happy to do meeting rp as well

Tari Lycoris

I turn the page to drown you out
You are the only thing that I still care about
If I can heal the conflict that’s within
I’ll know the war has reached its bitter end

character name 
nameTari Lycoris
  •   height    7.5 fulms.

  •   title    she who walks in shadows and spider lilies.

  •   eyes    golden, glowing.

  •   hair    black.

  •   scars    random scars from fighting in a war.

  •   tattoos    large sections of black backgrounds with red spider lilies.

  •   sexuality    homosexual.

  •   languages    eorzean common, eastern common, doman, hingan, vieran, ishgardian.

  •   etnicity    rava. auspice.

  •   alignment    chaotic neutral.

  •   Voice Claim    Cheryl Texiera as Kafka from Honkai Star Rail

a fiercely loyal and protective woman. unfortunate at points, and extremely lucky at others. a former soldier, and a mother of four of her own and her fifth being adopted.flirty, often to a fault, and sure of herself. probably one of the better fighters in any given room, but prefers a more relaxed approach. fighting is for work, and work is for later.

Trained as a Seer for her tribe, due to her own childhood laziness. To try to avoid learning how to use her own aether, having deemed that as "too hard," a much younger Tari found out that she could simply give some of her own aether to the spirits that she could commune with, and achieve similar results. Much to her dismay, this wasn't something many people in her tribe could do, and they made her train as a Seer. She spent much of her life doing that until she was in a position where one of her own children could take over the role from her. Only then did she leave the tribe.Former Soldier on the Bozjan Front, was deployed behind enemy lines with the express purpose of breaking enemy morale. once the war ended, she searched for a place to die, only to find a home and filled it with reasons to live and people she, she works as a mercenary
captain under one of the loves of her life, Shi'anla Radusk. she also has a "soft life" job on the side, helping out in a cafe setting while flirting with just about every cute woman she sees.

You fought to the end. You survived. That's why you're here now. I think that's something you should be more proud of.

bozjan soldier

tari fought as a bozjan soldier, behind enemy lines and fighting to help push the lines, step by step. it was a horrible existence.


maybe you need something done and a mercenary to do them. we can talk that out. other merc services are only to those she trusts.

hears spirits

She can commune with the Spirits, be they of the forest or Kami. Maybe you need help with one of those.


Are you a smith? Because she needs those pretty often to either repair armor or make some of the tools she uses.

doman enclave

from time to time, she's found in and around the doman enclave, helping with the restoration of her home.

red lantern

she works for the red lantern bordelo from time to time as a less dangerous, softer job on the side. Purely for fun.

ㅤnaja solanㅤ . adopted son .
tari's most trusted confidant and her friend above all others. they will always have one another's back, and tari couldn't be more proud of him.

ㅤshi'anla raduskㅤ . partner .
her boss for mercenary work, and the light of her life. helped rekindle tari's ability to even feel love, let alone feel worthy of it.
without shi'anla, there is no tari.

ㅤmehlu arvysㅤ .
friend .
one of tari's "soft life" coworkers.
they had a time together and, though Mehlu means a lot to Tari, it just wasn't meant to last at the time.

ㅤTavhi arvys .
pact holder & best friend .
someone tari came to trust extremely quickly. easily considered her best friend. the first, aside from shi and naja, to know of the change in tari. tari loves her, but holds it close to her heart.

ㅤrem songsmithㅤ .
tari met her on a whim, and continued to visit just to see her.. now, they date and try to chase away the morning light, which will drag one of them away from the other.

k'hasumi masaruㅤ . exes / friends .
a long story that only hurts to retell.

ㅤarmont couredault . brother-in-law . shi'anla's brother and tari's drinking buddy. the reason tari smokes sometimes. one of her best friends and closest confidants.

ㅤrael solan .
adopted nephew . someone who, at one time, was a headache. he's come to become one of the most important people to tari. not that she'd admit that.

ㅤclaire galateaㅤ . friend
its clear to both of them that they both want more than a friendship. but neither of them ever ask or push. happy to be trusted friends.

ㅤArina Kachaㅤ .
it started with a bet for a kiss, then a date to see a movie. now, they gleefully maintain their weapons together regularly and dance around certain words.

liokki kisne .
friend / confidant .
someone who quite suddenly entered her life and became a friend quickly. one of the few people tari trusts with sensitive matters.

ㅤchidori daito .
little sister .
chidori has all of the energy and vibes to her that tari remembers of her little sisters. she's endearing to the viera.

Hazel .
somber acquaintance .
tari sees him as a child. far too young, and far too full of himself. as much as she wants to help him, to help guide him, he keeps her at greater than an arm's length.

Yasmina .
"Ribbon Holder" & Friend .
somehow, tari has ended up completely wrapped around yasmina's finger like a black ribbon. she considers yasmina an important friend and one of the most fun people to talk to.

To Be Found .
Up to Fate .
Tell me a story of how the string of fate pulls us.